Get to know us

Hi, my name is Anna and I am the curator and founder of Soso Matcha. Since I was young, I have always had a fascination with the idea of wabi-sabi. In traditional Japanese aesthetics, wabi-sabi is a world view centered on the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The aesthetic is sometimes described as one of appreciating beauty that is "imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete" in nature. It is prevalent throughout all forms of Japanese art. 

Similar to drinking tea, a traditional Japanese ceremony
 is a spiritual process, deeply rooted in Zen philosophy. The process is aimed at bringing harmony and inner peace and to remind you to take a break from the outside world and focus on the simple, transitory moment of serving and drinking tea. 

My grandmother, who was full Japanese, was from a small town in Nagoya, Japan. Her name was Yuriko, but I knew her as “G”. Here is a photo of us—
I remember when I was young, she had a cast iron teapot that she would brew her green tea leaves in. The shape, the color and the texture of this tea pot still lives in my mind today. I was always fascinated by the process of making tea and it’s earthy taste. I would watch her add tea leaves to this tea pot and steep it for moments before drinking it. My parents, always kept unsweetened tea around our house. I grew up drinking cold brewed unsweetened iced tea since I was a kid. I think this is where my love for the taste of tea really began. Unsweetened tea has a very bold flavor and usually attracts an acquired taste, much like those who like to drink their coffee black. I have tried many types of teas, but my love for tea deeply ties to my Japanese roots. The cultivation and preparation of Japanese teas will always be something I deeply appreciate. Japanese tea ware is also a fascination of mine. In traditional tea ceremonies in Japan, artists would come together to drink tea made from handmade ceramic bowls. They would make ceramic bowls and cups curated in kilns to share. Tea ware today still holds much influence from this period in time. The earthiness, textures and organic tones of these ceramic pieces inspires much of my personal and brand aesthetic today. 
My vision for Soso Matcha is to curate speciality green teas that not only promote healthy habits but that are good for you. I want Soso Matcha to inspire those drinking our tea, that there is beauty in imperfection and to take a moment to slow down and enjoy the simple moments, with a cup of tea.

🤍 Anna